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The New Bookshop

42 - 44 Main Street


CA13 9LQ

Tel: 01900 822062


our special book and author events signings, ticketed events and literature readings.

Our Upcoming Events:

Book signings and special events past and coming soon ...


Anna Nolan will be in The New Bookshop on Saturday 28th September from 10.00am to 2.00pm to meet readers and to sign her new book. 

More Lakeland Larks, Laughter and Lunacies is the sequel to Anna Nolans’s first book, both reflecting her Polish ebullience and penchant for irreverent satire and comic verses.

M W Craven will be discussing his new book 'Nobody's Hero' at 7.00pm on Thursday 17th October.

Call in or contact the shop for tickets.


Keep an eye on our Facebook page for our brilliant author events.

Dr Jocelyn Fleming will be with us between 10:00 and 12:00 on Saturday 3rd August. Her new Adventure Journal is designed to help calm any anxiety children may have about holidays and travel. This is a beautifully illustrated journal that can be used simply as a way for children to record their travel memories. Jocelyn is a clinical psychologist and is available to talk through ways of helping children to manage anxiety.

Angela Locke will be discussing her new book 'Tamarisk' at 7.00pm on Thursday 20th June.

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Wednesday 5th June approx 1.00pm
Mike Craven will be signing copies of his new book 'The Mercy Chair.'

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Saturday 20th April 1.00pm to 3.30pm Kerry Irving will be signing copies of his new book.

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Kenneth Wilson will be discussing his new book HIGHWAY CELLO
         and playing the cello
at 7.00pm Tuesday 19th September. Tickets are £8.00 and are available now.


Helen Rebanks will be discussing her new book on Thursday 7th September.
Tickets are £5.00 and are available now. Helen will also be calling into the shop on the 29th August to sign books. Let us know if you would like to pre-order book with a dedication.

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Helen Haraldsen inspired hopeful children's writers and promoted her new book 'Flying Start Stories.'


Chris Butterfield will be discussed his new book 'Wainwright Memories.'

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Alan Cleaver and Lesley Park reading from their book 'A Lake District Christmas.'

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Sara Barnes reading from her popular book 'The COLD FIX.'

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The curry guy
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This is going to hurt book

The New Bookshop

42 - 44 Main Street



CA13 9LQ

Tel: 01900 822062

The NEW bookshop logo

Copyright The New Bookshop.

Website Designed & Built by

Our bookshop opening times:

9am - 5pm, Monday - Saturday

(Please phone to check times for evening or special events)

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